So I have been a little busy lately and fell out of some of my routine a little bit. Last week I went up .08lbs on the scale which never makes me happy but I know that I will figure out what will work better for me in the long run. Let's talk about a fear. I fear gaining back all the weight that I lost. There! It's out there in the universe.
The week before last I was working out with my fitness ball, doing cruches and leg lifts and lifting weights. But after our monthly 5K, I strained something in my right groin. I have been limping ever since. I spoke to my doctor and he told me to lay off the workouts and get some rest. Unfortunately, life does not always allow for getting rest. Two days later I adopted a kitten. My older cat Abby was not happy about this. So there has been a lot of cat psychology and cat babysitting any time I was home. My family and I went to Comic Con which was an all day trip. And then back to work. Not much rest going on there either. So I'm a little behind in doing "me".
The 5K to the United Nations was great. It rained lightly half way through it but we had fun on a different path leading back to Patrick Conway's.
Then there was Comic Con which was so cool. A lot of people were wearing costumes of their favorite characters. I admire the thin women wearing the really skimpy costumes. I whispered to Darren at one point that as soon as I lose my weight, I'm going to wear a skimpy costume too.
I had a conversation with my doctor about my current weight loss struggles. He and his team are going to work with me to see if there is a reason I am not losing weight like I was last year. They are going to run some tests and design a program for me without jeopardizing my Weight Watchers program. In a previous blog I mentioned that fixing me is going to be like the 70's show "The Bionic Woman" because I was going to be taken apart and put back together. Now it's actually coming true. Usually I list my activities for the week but I have not been exercising for the last week and a half. I would like to note two different activities and the points they garnished.
October Monthly 5K to the United Nations - all day + 5K - 7.26 miles = 11pts.
Comic Con( walking to , around and back) - 8.99 miles - 14pts.
Please meet my little crazy kitten currently known as Harry Potter .
10 years ago